How Much things cost in 1943
Average Cost of new house $3,600.00
Average wages per year $2,000.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 15 cents
Average Cost for house rent $40.00 per month
Bottle Coca Cola 5 cents
Average Price for a new car $900.00

What Events Happened In 1943
Great Depression ends in the United States: With unemployment figures falling fast due to World War II-related employment
The Works Progress Administration ( PWA ) designed to provide jobs during the Great Depression of the 1930's is ended.
Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C is Completed
Due to shortages in Copper the U.S. one-cent coin is struck in steel
Montana Coal and Iron Company Explosion Kills 74
Bengal, India famine leaving up to 3 million dead.
Lebanon Gains Independence From France
"Pay As You Go tax" introduced in US
Car Tax Registration introduced in US
The Pentagon in Washington D.C. is Completed